One World One Sky

An intercultural, multilingual and multi-stylistic Long-Song being the central track on the album "THE WORLD'S FACE" is calling upon the people of the world to realize their equality and unity on an essential level and the misery that comes from ignoring this basic truth.

In a kaleidoscopic way this musical journey reflects not only musical idioms of various cultures but also basic dimensions of being human and humane and the harmonious co-existence of the world religions

An underlying audio and visual symbolism is driving at a more spiritual approach to life in this material world. Audio recording and video-clip-shooting were done in Iran, Spain, Tanzania and Germany.

It began in Persia

"On a long journey through India, South East Asia, Australia, China, Central Asia and the Middle East I finally came to Iran. Overwhelmed by the amazing hospitality and of the Iranian people and attracted by traces of ancient wisdom I decided to return soon to this country. ...

More visits followed…one night in spring of 2009 a melody and the following lyrics came to my mind… 


One World  One Sky  One God  One Human Race

One Hand One Heart One Voice One Human Soul

This song idea triggered the vision of people in various countries on planet earth doing circle dances and singing the same song in different languages with musical variation according to ethnic origin...


Next to ethno-musical variations also different styles of the Western Music World join the circle of the song integrating Rock, Hip Hop, String sets and even polyphonic choir parts.

Mountains, canyons, deserts, woods, waterfalls, cities…the locations of the clip also show the diversity and variation of life on our planet.



In spite of many obstacles, especially in restrictive Iran, and without any label or sponsor support, but with the great help of loyal companions, friends and many wonderful people, I met in this endeavour, the project production was carried out single-handedly. A musical vision and a dream turned into reality..."